At long last, RIDE 2U is here! We bring all the benefits of RIDE Cyclery directly to your door. RIDE 2U offers professional service for your bicycle, a great selection of accessories, along with access to all RIDE Cyclery has to offer.

RIDE 2U offers the convenience of coming to your home, work, or event saving you precious time that can now be spent on your bike.
Sample of RIDE 2U Premium Services:
CAT 1 Super Deluxe Tune-Up (Full tear down to bare frame and rebuild)....................$300
CAT 2 Deluxe Tune-Up (Standard Tune-Up and drive train Clean)...............................$175
Full Suspension Tune-Up 1 (Includes pivot check) ......................................................$100
Full Suspension Tune-Up 2 (Includes pivot check and brake bleed)............................$140
Dynamic Suspension Set-Up (Rider and Tuner take to the trail for fine tuning)...........$250
Static Suspension Set-Up (Sets sag and baseline rebound and compression).............$30
Standard Tune-Up (Multi-Speed)....................................................................................$90
Race Wheel Swap 1 (Standard brakes, includes changing brake pads)........................$30
Race Wheel Swap 2 (Hidden Brakes, includes changing brake pads)...........................$50
Tubeless Conversion (Includes rim tape and sealant).....................................................$35
Bike Assembly...............................................................................................Starting at $80
Event and Race SAG.........................................................................(Click Here for Details)
Bike Delivery...................................................................................................starting at $20
RIDE 2U will also be set up around town, look for us on your next ride or check our calendar to see our schedule of locations, bringing RIDE Cyclery closer to you.